Dealing with Doubt
Doubt your doubts.
It was a phrase I heard while watching a spoken word by Joseph Solomon.
Honestly, I could just mic drop this link right here because it speaks volumes on the struggle of dealing with doubts as a believer and follower of Christ.
If people in the Bible who literally walked with Jesus had their doubts, how much more us who walk with Jesus by faith? So don't beat yourself up for it.
Have you ever heard of the story of the fight between two wolves within? I'll put it in the context of doubt and faith – and I paraphrase. There is a fight going on inside of us. A terrible fight between two wolves. One is doubtful—constantly doubts God and insecure about the truth in God's Word. The other is full of faith—trusting in the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Who will win? The one you feed.
Doubt is a reality that grips us as believers almost every day because we walk in faith for things we have not yet seen. We've never seen the face of God, yet we have faith and believe that one day we will.
I'll be honest, holding fast to the often intangible Truth is difficult, but it's not impossible. The outcome of the battle is decided when you choose which part of yourself you will feed.
Maybe you lost something or someone dear in your life. Maybe you're waiting for a job or a promotion. Maybe you've been praying for the right man or woman to walk into your life. Maybe you've been trying to have a baby for months or even years, or maybe you're struggling with your faith as a believer.
Whatever walk of life you're in, I want to encourage you with full confidence that God is with you in the thick of it all. I don't have the answer to why what you've been praying for hasn't happened yet, only God knows, but I do know that God will never leave you nor forsake you (Deut. 31:6).
I have experienced countless times when doubt preaches its own sermons to me and begs to question the validity of my faith, but when the deafening doubts roar the loudest in my ears that is when I hear the gentlest whisper of the Holy Spirit reminding me of the countless times God met me in my need and showed Himself a faithful and loving Father.
There are a few things I've learned to do in battling my doubts and I'd like to share them with you now.
Remember God's Faithfulness in Your Life
Every time doubt tries to seep into your mind, preach to your doubts the moments when God showed up in your life and met you in your needs. I believe the greatest evidence of God's goodness and faithfulness is through our testimony.
Silence Your Doubts with Scripture
There is power in words, but even more, there is power in declaring the Word of God over your life. Here's the thing I've learned when declaring God's Word in moments of doubt, you have to understand what you're speaking. In order for the Word of God to resonate in your soul, you have to meditate on His Truth and let it be realized in your spirit.
Don't just read scripture as you see fits your life, understand the context because then you'll be able to see how God's hand moved in the time the scripture was written and how God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever can move with the same power in your life now.
Have Faith and Believe
6 And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that He is real and that He rewards the faith of those who give all their passion and strength into seeking Him. (Hebrews 11:6)
Our faith can be as small as a mustard seed (Matt 17:20) and it will activate the power of God to move in our lives.
We have to understand that there will be times God will allow things to happen in our life that we may not agree with or He will allow opportunities to pass us by. We have to trust that He knows best. I have held on in faith that even God's "no's" are a "yes" to something better. Have faith and believe that God will see you through because He is good and He is faithful (Ps. 27:13-14) even in moments of doubt.