5 Things Being in a Relationship Has Taught Me (Updated)
Every relationship ebbs and flows to a different rhythm; not one relationship is identical to another. Although there are some parallels, every experience is unique.
Solidarity: #FlattenTheCurve
We have a responsibility as a society—no, as human beings to do our part to flatten this curve; stay home. You may not be in the frontlines working in the medical field tirelessly fighting this pandemic, but I’m sure you know someone who is. Do it for them.
Finding Courage in the Face of Discouragement
There is no easy way to find courage in the face of discouragement. That isn't to say it's impossible; it is possible with God.
When Claiming Promises Feel Impossible
To the person waiting for change to happen, this is for you. To the person currently discouraged because what was promised has not yet been fulfilled, this is for you. To the person struggling to claim your promise and hold fast to Christ in faith, this is for you because I am all those things too.
Choosing Joy
The moment we anchor joy to the realities of the world rather than the realities of who Jesus is, I truly believe we've missed the point of joy altogether. Joy is holding onto the reality of who Jesus is—our Savior, Healer, Keeper, Good Shepherd, Friend, Living Hope and so much more.
When You Don’t Know
You may not have a single clue as to where you are going in your life, but let me shed some truth that even when we cannot see the road ahead of us, God has already paved a way.
What Faith Can Do
Believe it or not, faith has the power to move mountains. Maybe in our lifetime we won't see our faith physically move the mountains of the earth, but I believe it has the power to move the mountains of our life.
Who Has Your Six?
We live in a world where we constantly battle with the evil around us, but even more, we never rest from the confrontation of the battle of evil within – our flesh. So, who are you taking with you to battle? Who has your back in the day-to-day fight against sin?
The Waiting Room
If you're in a season of waiting—maybe it's waiting for a job, a relationship, a promotion, an opportunity to move your life forward, etc—take heart for you are not alone.
Finding Your Footing
We are constantly on a journey, whether that means with a map in hand and all the directions laid out, or without a map wandering aimlessly until a road is discovered.
How Close Do You Want to Be
As the saying goes, "You are what you eat," you are what you feed your soul. I want to pose this post as an encouragement and a call to a reevaluation of our heart's condition because God knows I need it – every day.
Unconventional Gratitude
It's easy to be grateful when everything goes according to plan, but what happens when you're met with trouble?
Dealing with Doubt
Doubt is a reality that grips us as believers almost every day because we walk in faith for things we have not yet seen. We've never seen the face of God, yet we have faith and believe that one day we will.
The Truth About Your Identity
Allow me to speak this truth over you today: you are not your job. You are not your success. You are not your failures. You are not your failed relationships. You are not who society says you should be according to their too-often faulty standards. You are, however, loved and chosen with the intention to live fruitfully (Romans 5:8, John 15:16).
Behind the Blog
This particular post is written for those who need to know the person behind the writing. I promise, my writing will not be this engorged with details about me.